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Dr Paolo Bianchini
Nutritionist biologist
Your reference for healthy eating
and natural therapies
Prevenzione e Salute
Nutrizione Clinica
Gravidanza, allattamento, svezzamento
Terapie Naturali
Programma Detox
Consulenze anche per neonati e bambini
Mineralogramma del capello
Test di permeabilità intestinale
Test del microbiota intestinale e vaginale

Each of us embodies Health and Disease in a way single. Each of my therapeutic interventions is centered on person.

The diet
Each person it's different, the ideal diet must therefore be evaluated according to theindividual needs.

Medicine of the day before
In this case we speak of Salutogenesis. The Salutogenic approach is based on what allowskeep, recover or to increase la Salute. In the case of chronic disease the goal isimprove the quality of life as much as possible.

Nutrition and Natural Therapies
are essential tools for:
PREVENT the initiation and aggravation of pathological conditions.
SUPPORT the body's physiological balance.
CONTRAST the aging processes (Aging).
INTERVENING in confirmed pathological conditions, in support of medical therapies.
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